Toxin Prevention

Unlike Chlorine, Ozone is active against all forms of microorganisms at relatively low concentrations and leaves no environmentally harmful byproducts. This fact becomes critical particularly when certain specific bacteria, viruses, and non-organic toxins are of crucial interest to the food and water industries. A summary of pertinent industry, research, and governmental documentation is provided below for specific concerns.

E.coli | Listeria | Botulism | Salmonella | Anthrax | Viruses | Arsenic | FDA/FSIS Recalls for E.coli, Listeria, & Salmonella

E.coli: There are many strains of E.coli and they are frequently present in our food and water supplies. Ozone is 3100 times more effective than chlorine in destroying bacteria, including potentially deadly forms of E.coli. Ozone is simply the most potent and environmentally friendly bactericide known to science. Click on the following links for further documentation.

California Polytechnic Study

Journal of Food Science Review on Microbiological Aspects of Ozone Application in Food

Environmental Protection Agency

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Listeria: Listeriosis may be the leading fatal food-borne disease in the United States. In recent outbreaks, the overall fatality rate was 33%. Fortunately, Ozone is exceptionally effective in destroying Listeria, and is strongly endorsed as a preventative measure for the food processing industry. Click on the following links for further documentation. The review article by the Journal of Food Science is an exceptionally rich source of documentation.

Journal of Food Science Review on Microbiological Aspects of Ozone Application in Food

Applied & Environmental Microbiology on Ozone Inactivation of Listeria

Applied & Environmental Microbiology on Ozone & Food-Related Microorganisms

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Botulism: Botulinum toxin is the most poisonous toxin currently known to man and can be present as a food-borne pathogen. As for other toxins, Ozone is especially effective at inactivating botulism.

Botulism Fact Sheet

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Salmonella:Salmonella is a food-borne pathogen with considerable economic impact on the food industry. Transmission of Salmonella by fresh eggs results in 700,000 cases of salmonellosis, and $1.1 billion loss annually in the U.S. The remarkable efficacy of Ozone intervention with a positive environmental impact is related in the following documents.

Ohio State University Study

Ozone Inactivation of Salmonella

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Anthrax:The use of Ozone in inactivating anthrax is of exceptional global concern. In particular, there is evidence that anthrax spores survive normally chlorinated tap water. To determine the best defense against anthrax, the National Science Foundation has provided research funding to Environmental Engineering Professor Mirat Gurol of San Diego State University. According to Dr. Gurol, "It's not a matter of whether or not it will work, because we know that ozone is the best weapon to fight anthrax."

Anthrax Survives Water Treatment

National Science Foundation Funds Ozone vs. Anthrax Study

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Viruses: Ozone is known to inactivate many classes of viral families. Viruses differ in their sensitivity to ozone, but are generally quite susceptible to ozone intervention. Viruses such as Hepatitis, Polio, HIV, and many others are very sensitive to ozone.

Hepatitis C and Ozone Therapy

Ozone in Medicine

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Arsenic: Ozone is capable of oxidizing inorganic substances as well as organics, and may be utilized to reduce concentrations of toxic metals such as arsenic in water.

EPA Case Study Utilizing Ozone to Remove Arsenic