Eco-Jet Power Wash System

One Step Solution

At a meat packing plant in Southern California, here is their 7 step process for cleaning.

  1. With hot water and a garden hose, soak the surface.
  2. Take a bucket of stringent chemicals and scrub the surface.
  3. Rinse off with regular water.
  4. 2nd person prepares from dispenser
  5. Apply foam to the surface
  6. Once again scrub the surface
  7. Rinse.

The Eco-Jet way is one step, all natural, and completely safe. To test the effectiveness of each method, we took swabs of two equally dirty surfaces before and after they were cleaned. With the first method, the bacteria count went from 22,000,000 to 7,800. With the Eco-Jet, spraying in the same manner, the bacteria count decreased from 22,000,000 to 30 in just 5 minutes compared to the 30 minutes it took to clean using a normal method. The Eco-Jet can cut labor costs in half and eliminate most chemicals. This means thousands of dollars a month in savings.